Course reviews
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Breech Pro reviews

Kristine Lauria, CPM
Médecins Sans Frontières / Bangladesh
I am a midwife who has attended over 470 vaginal breech births. I currently am on mission with MSF in the Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh.
This is one of the most comprehensive courses I have taken on any maternal/infant topic during my 31 year midwifery career. Even the most experienced practitioner can benefit from taking this course. The information is evidence-based and anything that is anecdotal is presented as such. If you are new to breech birth, the course is comprehensive enough and presented in a way that you will not be lost.
This should be a required course for anyone attending women in birth regardless of whether or not they intend to attend breech births. Highly recommend.

Laura Sola, matrona
Zaragoza, España
Este curso ha sido tremendamente esclarecedor y muy útil para afrontar situaciones complicadas en partos vaginales con bebés de nalgas. Hay muchísima información teórica y práctica disponible.

Jean M. McHenry, CPM
Joy of Home Birth / MO, USA
The pretraining is filled with so much information! I am looking forward to trying skill in hands on class. I have enjoyed so far

Machelle Peterson, APRN CNM CLE
Mountain Midwifery Women's Health / Tensed, ID, USA
I attended the Breech Pro class online and loved every minute of it. The instructors kept my attention and the videos are very helpful. I especially enjoyed the short videos. They allowed time for the material to sink in, while providing time to simulate the techniques, before moving to the next step. I will continue to take classes from BWB and look forward to future learning. Thank you.

Jen Jester, BSM, CPM
Birth Wisely / St Louis, MO, USA
Brilliant course. The time that the instructors take to make sure that the information is conveyed is unparalleled. Research is utterly distilled and thoughtfully conveyed to the learner. The simulation modules are thorough. Using the baby/pelvis model along with the instructor helps build muscle memory. Seeing the instructor guide other students calmly and respectfully through unusual situations is invaluable, and speaks to the level of expertise Dr Hayes brings to the team.

April Bland, LM/CPM
ABC Midwifery / Pipe Creek, TX, USA
LOVED this course. Amazing knowledge. I wish breech training ( this one) was required for OB/GYNs, so that we can normalize vaginal breech birth.

Kathryn Cowen, RM
Townsville University Hospital / Queensland, Australia
An excellent course that I enjoyed immensely. It has definitely made me more confident in attending breech births.

Shari Long Romero
DNP, CNM / Greenwood Village, CO
Breech Pro is an excellent course for midwives to prepare for a planned breech birth or the unexpected breech that does not have time for transfer. The instructors break down the physiology, the hand maneuvers, and the participation of mom and baby in such a way that the provider is able to see the their role clearly, whether that means intervention or watching the miracle unfold. I appreciated the opportunity to learn such important information and skills from these great clinicians with my peers!

Rebecca Woodward, CPM LM RM
Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Very much appreciated this workshop. I liked getting to go at my own pace, even liked the email reminders. The information felt so thorough and well collected and reviewed. The videos were helpful and I would like to do a refresher in the future
M.Chiquinquirá Medina
Traditional Midwife, Music therapist / Nayarit, Mexico
Thanks to this course I now feel completely confident in assisting a breech vaginal birth. Dr. David and Dr. Rixa make it very easy to understand the natural physiology of breech delivery and how to restore it when needed. An excellent training to relearn how to assist a vaginal breech birth without fears but with knowledge. The research and data shown make it very clear that vaginal breech birth is a possible option versus c-section and its harmful long-term effects. As a professional after doing that course, you will have the necessary tools and skills to reestablish vaginal breech birth assistance and to inform women about their choices.
As Dr. Michel Odent says : "to change the world you must first change the way we are born. And to change the way babies are born, we have to change the way we give birth and for that we have to change the assistance at birth." Breech Birth Without Borders' Online Course serves exactly this purpose.

Rebecca Walker
Student Midwife / Heart to Heart Midwifery
This class is priceless. Actually, this class is worth the money you will spend and then some. The information shared is amazing. I am so glad that I decided to take this course. You get not only the case review evidence on birth and its history, but the hands-on skills as well.
There are so many great videos of actual breech births. The videos are shown at regular speed and slow motion with texts to let you know what is happening every step of the way.
The skills you will learn in this course will forever change how you look at breech birth. Breech Without Borders, you are amazing!!!!!
(Rebecca took the virtual Kansas Breech Workshop, which includes Breech Pro plus additional lectures by Dr. Stuart Fischbein.)

Paul Golden, RM, RN
Independent midwife / Europe
Breech Without Borders' course online feels so real with many useful dynamic simulations practiced in variety of ways to adapt to real life breech births. Highly recommended for students, midwives, doctors, and all interested in birth.
I found the course overwhelming; this is not a negative observation. The content, the depth and breadth of what is covered both academically and practically is huge. I had underestimated it, thinking I will get some headlines with some references, some detail and analysis of research. What I found was a very high level course with many more hours than I expected.
For breech, one impression I got is that much of the research is unproved if not physiological. The unique individual circumstances of each birth present their own opportunities.
I'm European kiwi English Indian. I usually find American presentations and videos loud, in contrast to my almost silence at births. I aim to say and do nothing at a birth. I see the instructors attending births with reverence.
Prior to this course I was native that I can feel and listen to the baby in osteopathic style to determine what, if any, assistance is required. Now I feel better equipped and more aware to continually rehearse these movements. The level of the course is similar to master's papers. The price is low or reasonable and I trust will make it accessible to many.
I feel it would be great to get this to obstetricians. Totally inspirational. We need more courses like this on physiological (upright) birth. Thanks to Rixa Freeze and David Hayes.

Anna Krakosky, RM
Midwifery Educator, MDHB / New Zealand
I am a registered Midwife in Palmerston North New Zealand and I am an educator for the District Health Board. I would like for all my midwives to do this course. Breech Pro offers an in-depth analysis of the evidence around Breech birth, with detailed information on the term breech trial and further evidence following this study. The evidence is critiqued in an honest and non-biased manner, and really helped provide an understanding of how breech became so feared and how we have lost our skills in this area.
The emphasis in this education is the difference between breech extraction, and the mechanism of physiological breech birth. Understanding is developed around the mechanism and recognition of when and why the mechanism may be arrested. Simple, yet incredibly effective manoeuvres are taught to correct the mechanism and allow the birth to continue. These are very easy to learn and make so much sense once you have the basic understanding of what is happening to hold the birth up.
The course is presented by a Doctor and a Midwife who are obviously passionate about what they do. Learning is enhanced with amazing videos of real breech births. Included in the information is a decision making tool which supports the practitioner in this new knowledge. There are simulation sessions to practice each manoeuvre, and optional online sessions where you can meet up with the team and ask questions.
Breech Pro is a well-constructed package that will support any practitioner with increasing their skills and knowledge in the area of breech birth. It is absolutely a worthwhile training to do. I would go so far as to say that every Doctor or Midwife working with birthing women has an obligation to learn these important skills and should take this course as part of their continuing education. Thank you Breech Without Borders for undertaking such amazing work to keep women and babies safe by ensuring our practitioners have the skills to support physiological breech birth.

Amaka Elochukwu
Midwife / Enugu State, Nigeria
This course is what I have been waiting for all through my career as a midwife and am glad to have the opportunity to undertake this course. Thank you Dr Rixa Freeze, I really appreciate. Keep up with the good work of educating midwives about breech birth and respecting mother's choices.

Emily Friar, CPM
Riverhaven Community Birth Center / VA, USA
"Porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet."

Reno, NV, USA
This is a fabulous, career-changing course! I was not taught physiologic breech birth in my training and am so grateful to study it now.

Melinda M. Hancock, BSN, RN, C-EFM
MSN - CNEP / Frontier Nursing University
I first heard about Breech Without Borders and the Breech Pro online workshop on Rebecca Dekker's Evidence Based Birth podcast (episode 172). As a student nurse midwife, having the evidence to support vaginal breech birth (VBB) is just as important to me as learning the maneuvers (or the need to sit on my hands when all is well).
I paid out of pocket for this additional training because I felt unprepared to catch a baby arriving in a breech presentation safely. Whether your practice site "allows" planned vaginal breech birth or not, I encourage you to take this training. Breech Without Borders: Breech Pro is so much more than hand positioning. You will find yourself questioning if a cesarean section is always the safest option and if your informed consent is a true, unbiased reflection of the evidence and options available or driven by fear, personal inexperience, and facility policy.
The first step to safer vaginal breech birth is well-trained providers, and Breech Without Borders is a great place to start.
I cannot wait to share what I have learned and encourage my fellow students and colleagues to take this course. It is worth every penny!

Lori, TBA/Birthkeeper
pine+poppy birth co. / Manitoba, Canada
I have nothing but great things to say about this course, it was easy to understand, informative & has given me confidence to support breech births at home.
Breech Refresh reviews

Traditional midwife / Virginia, USA
I took my first Breech Course in person and I loved it! I was not sure how I would like the online refresh; however, it was awesome as well! The lectures and examples were so on point and easy to watch I didn't realize I had finished them all!
I really appreciate the time and effort put into this to revive this skill that is needed so much! I am so happy to have the opportunity to gain this knowledge and offer my skills to my community!
Breech 101 Reviews

Marta Siwinska
Doula, mother / Poland
I have just completed the Breech 101 course and I am very grateful that I was able to test it as one of the first users. Thank you Breech Without Borders!
The course I attended is for parents, doulas and childbirth educators. In my opinion, it is a must if you are facing having breech baby. If you are a doula or childbirth educator, the evidence and the enormous knowledge you will gain from this course can be very useful in your work.
I really appreciate the section about the evidence, as it contains data that can be used to make an informed decision about whether or not we want to go for a natural breech birth.
I love the part of the maneuvers used in this type of birth and I have a dream that every midwife and ob-gyn could learn them at school. This would help to reduce the anxiety associated with breech births and also simply teach them how to manage such birth safely.
The course is 7.5 hours of knowledge about what is normal and abnormal in breech birth and how to deal with these abnormalities. Everything you learn during the presentation is shown in the real birth videos, which supports the learning process. A sentence that I will remember forever from this course is "If you don't know what you are doing, don't do anything."
I am a doula and a mother who gave breech birth naturally almost 27 years ago. I am sure that if such course had existed at that time, I would have been much better prepared for that birth and could have been an active participant in one of the most important events in my life.

Lucie Kusnirova
Doula, mother / Czech Republic
The Breech 101 online course is a must and a great asset for all doulas and childbirth educators who want to empower and encourage their clients to seek and get the best evidence based care and the most modern approach to a breech birth.
The course is packed with scientific and evidence-based information and contains many very powerful videos and demonstrations of a breech birth both when it is straightforward or when there is a deviation.
This course clearly explains the mechanics of a breech birth with a lot of focus on an upright birthing position and a free maternal movement and body cooperation with the birth, the baby and their natural instincts.
I considered myself to be quite well informed on the breech topic before starting this course already but after completing this Breech 101 online course I feel much more confident helping my clients to navigate through the process of having their best possible breech birth. I also feel much more trusting and respecting the normal breech process and I would love all care providers in my country to be able to feel the same. I am going to recommend this course to doulas, childbirth educators and parents for sure!
I am a doula in a country where the majority of parents expecting a breech birth are counselled to have a cesarean section. In some cases and some hospitals breech births are "allowed" under certain conditions but usually they are managed in a very old fashioned way which consists of a semi reclining position of the mother, a routine use of episiotomy, an oxytocin drip and some intensive obstetric maneuvers. My passion as a doula is to empower my clients to get what they feel is right for them and to encourage them to find their own way which sometimes means to challenge the existing routines and standards. As a doula and mother of two I deeply trust in the powerful mind-body connection as well as the unique mother-baby connection and the amazing birthing hormones coctail which all are important in both cephalic and breech births indeed.
Keep me updated on breech!
The contents of Breech Without Borders' website, in-person workshops, online trainings and coursework, including all handouts, course materials, text, graphics, images, and other materials created by Breech Without Borders (the "Content") are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be taken as medical or healthcare advice, or to substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Nothing in the Content should be used to diagnose or treat individual health issues. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified, licensed health provider with any questions you may have regarding your personal medical needs. Never delay contact with a qualified healthcare professional, or disregard medical advice, because of something you have read or learned about in Breech Without Borders' website and coursework Content. Reliance on any information provided by Breech Without Borders and/or through the Content is solely at your own risk. If you think you may be having a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.