How to bring a training to your location

How does it work?
Breech Without Borders sets up online registration and reimburses local organizers for any expenses such as room rental or food. After covering program expenses, all proceeds are donated to Breech Without Borders, a 501(c)3 nonprofit (public charity), to further its educational missions.
Local organizers help by finding a workshop classroom and advertising within the local birth community. The organizer's most important role is promoting the workshop, both online and in person. We expect organizers to spend at least 2 hours/week promoting the workshop until it fills. This could include emails, social media, phone calls, in-person contacts, etc.
Organizer compensation
The organizer receives a 50% discount once the minimum 12-15 people have registered. If 24+ people register, the organizer will receive a free ticket and one helper will receive 50% off.

Breech & Twins Master Class (add-on)
In selected locations, we can offer a 2nd day of training after the breech workshop: a Breech & Twins Master Class taught by Kristine Lauria, CPM. Current enrollment in a breech workshop or previous enrollment in Breech Pro is a prerequisite.
Master Class fees are $250 for MDs, $225 for midwives, and $200 for students. We offer a discount for those who enroll in both the Breech Workshop and the Master Class.

Workshop fees
Workshop fees are $300 for students, $425 for midwives or other birth professionals, and $500 for MDs. Workshop tickets include enrollment in Breech Pro and 1 year of Live Sessions.
In places outside the US, Canada, and most of the EU, we will work to make our workshop affordable in your local economy. We are also willing to pursue grant funding to support workshops in economically disadvantaged areas.
We can also bring the workshop to your organization or institution for a flat fee. Please inquire as rates vary by location.
Minimum workshop enrollment
We require 12 registrations to hold a workshop within continental North America or Europe. Other locations require 16 people minimum to compensate for higher travel expenses.
Do you offer CEUs/CMEs?
We currently offer continuing education credits through ACNM (reciprocity with MEAC), the Midwifery Council of New Zealand, and the Australian College of Midwives. Participants can self-claim RANZCOG CMEs.
Contact hours are as follows:
- 9 hours for the breech workshop
- 14.5 hours for Breech Pro
- 7 hours for the Breech & Twins Master Class
We can apply for CMEs via the European Accreditation Council for CME (EACCME) with at least 6 months advance notice; these CMEs have reciprocity in the US and Canada.
We are also happy to apply for CMEs via your institution's continuing education department.
What languages do you teach in?
We teach in English and are happy to work with a translator that you provide. Dr. Freeze can also teach in French.

What are the requirements for a classroom?
- For workshops with one instructor and up to 16 attendees/day: One room that can fit the entire group and one separate room where a small group (8 people max) can do activities.
- For workshops with two instructors and up to 32 attendees/day: One room that can fit the entire group and one separate room where a smaller group of 16 maximum can do activities.
- A TV or projector for showing videos &/or slides (please verify that there is a HDMI cable connection, not the older VGA connection)
- Sturdy tables for our simulators, one per instructor. A standard banquet table works, as does a wooden table approx 2x4' (60x120 cm) or larger. The table needs to support the weight of the instructor plus a 50lb (22 kg) simulator. The table should be rectangular or square, not round or oval. See the picture below for how we attach our simulators to a table.
- One smaller table or desk for attaching a foldable simulator

I am interested in bringing a training to my location!
Please enter your information and we will get back to you right away.
The contents of Breech Without Borders' website, in-person workshops, online trainings and coursework, including all handouts, course materials, text, graphics, images, and other materials created by Breech Without Borders (the "Content") are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be taken as medical or healthcare advice, or to substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Nothing in the Content should be used to diagnose or treat individual health issues. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified, licensed health provider with any questions you may have regarding your personal medical needs. Never delay contact with a qualified healthcare professional, or disregard medical advice, because of something you have read or learned about in Breech Without Borders' website and coursework Content. Reliance on any information provided by Breech Without Borders and/or through the Content is solely at your own risk. If you think you may be having a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.