Reviews of our breech workshops
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Jacqueline Makale
Midwife / Johannesburg, South Africa
What an incredible course. I would do it over and over again. Thank you for such a great opportunity "Breech Without Borders"!

Hannah How, RN/RM
Perth, Western Australia
What a fantastic experience. From the highly educational online course to the hands-on training provided, I could not rate this course more. This is training that all maternity health workers should seek to do to support women holistically. I will be practising the manoeuvres regularly in my own time. Thank you so much...

Bolanle Adebayo
Midwife / Cataluña, Spain
Initially I thought that BWB was very one-way and not open to new ideas. I couldn't be more wrong. I learnt how to use tools, such as fundal pressure, that I would have never ever thought could be safe or helpful. Overall, I'm really really happy that I took the course. I went from feeling comfortable with attending breeches but not knowing how to properly deal with stuck arms (and not even knowing anything about about head entrapment…my oh my). Now I am not just comfortable, I feel confident in fixing these situations.
Thank you guys once again!

Nosipo Maseti
Mthatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Had a great time of learning new things and all content was interesting. I felt like delivering 100 VBB's

Ruth Ehrhardt, CPM, TBA
True Midwifery / Cape Town, South Africa
Thank you Rixa and the Breech Without Borders Team for creating an accessible and rich course and workshop that left me feeling settled, inspired and confident.
I most appreciate your emphasis on supporting physiological and putting breech back as a variation of normal where it belongs, with valuable non invasive skills to support when deviations do occur. I am also very grateful for truly being Breech Without `Borders and making this education open to all who need to access it.
I will definitely be attending again in the future and recommending to others.

Sarah Helen Green
Sacred Wild Midwifery / Phoenix, AZ, USA
Amazing course! Incredibly helpful to understand mechanics and management of breech birth as well as vaginal twin birth. Both workshops address the most concerning issues with breech & twin deliveries and how to approach informing clients of research and options as well as when to use which maneuver (if any). The courses helped relieve some anxiety about supporting vaginal breech and twin births when appropriate. The instructor is a valuable resource and wealth of information and experience. I'd take both classes again in a heartbeat.

Sarah Jone, RN, RM
Great Expectations Midwives / Johannesburg, South Africa
Attending this training has been so helpful to instil confidence and trust in breech. In a world where breech vaginal birth is somewhat unattainable, it was brilliant to be able to see and learn the skills which is not taught or witnessed often! Thank you for helping us help our clients better!

Corni R, Student Midwife
Doula Corni / Cape Town, South Africa
This course will remain a highlight of my year for sure. I enjoyed every minute of content during the Breech Pro course; I came in an absolute newbie into the world of breech. The hands- on training was also great. A full day of just practicing skills and scenarios to prepare me for the breech deliveries to come. Thank you Breech Without Borders Team.

Daphne Vosberg Aldana, CPM, LM
Puerto Rico
After taking this training, I feel much more comfortable with the possibility of encountering breech presentation in practice. It really enforced the importance of preserving access to physiological breech and being equipped with the skills to support expecting families in vaginal breech birth when they decide this is the best option for them. Thank you BWB!

Nadia Maheter, Birth & Bereavement Doula & Professional Postpartum Care Provider
The Doula Effect / Cape Town, South Africa
One of the best workshops I've ever done. The hybrid approach works so well providing an in depth knowledge base & solidifying core concepts with hands on practice.

Shirley B. Clemence, RN, CPM
Blessed Traditions Midwifery / TX, USA
I believe every birth professional in every setting needs to understand this training and learn to meet all women's needs in all settings. Excellent course.

Sara Sanchez, LM CPM
Homegrown Midwifery / NM, USA
Although Breech is not currently in my scope of practice in New Mexico, we widely know that those surprises happen. This hybrid course gave me the knowledge I needed as well as the hands on to feel confident I have some tools available to make a Breech delivery safer for mom and baby.

Jolene Finley LM, CPM
Midwife Jolene / Dallas, TX, USA
I attended the hands on training in Dallas, Tx May 23. I feel like it boosted my confidence in handling a VBB. The hands on portion was fantastic and really helped cement the maneuvers.

Halley Everall, CNM
CU-CFM Longmont / Longmont, CO, USA
Great workshop. Helped me feel more confident in discussing breech birth with families and in performing breeching birth.

Megan Robinson LM, CPM
Yellow Rose Midwifery / Houston, TX, USA
I really wanted to gain skill, knowledge, and confidence in vaginal breech birth. I believe the Hybrid (online and hands on training) course allowed this to be possible. I look forward to helping mamas deliver safely in the out-of-hospital setting in the near and distant future.

Kate Fouquier, PhD, APRN, CNM
University of Tennessee Health Science Center / TN, USA
I am the director of a midwifery education program and intend to use this training to introduce midwifery students to physiologic breech birth. Unfortunately, many education programs do not include breech births which is an injustice to our providers. Regardless of where midwives work, they should have a basic foundation for successfully managing a breech birth. Following their graduation, I will encourage students to enroll in Breech Without Borders to broaden their skills and confidence.

Selma de Bilbo
Midwife / Denia, Alicante, Spain
Very easy to understand and to integrate into the practice. It made me love breech even more, with lots of confidence. Thank you so much for bringing back the wisdom of it to the world!

Marsha D. Daniell, MD
UAB Huntsville Family Medicine / AL, USA
This is an excellent course and workshop for training for vaginal breech deliveries. I particularly appreciated the evidence reviewed, the videos, the simulations, the hands-on practice--EVERYTHING!

Wendy Colton, RM
Perth, WA, Australia
This would have to be the most useful & valuable training I've ever done in my 35 year career as a midwife. It was lengthy & working full-time it did take me 6 months to complete the online component, partly because i got addicted to the live sessions and watched 59 hours of them first before completing the online sections.
Congratulations on a fantastic course.

Tonia Lee Seng, MD
Santa Cruz, Bolivia, South America
Life-changing, paradigm-shifting. Essential for any responsible birth worker.

T'Karima Ticitl, PhD, LM, CM
Cihuapahtli Midwifery / NJ, USA
I am excited to have completed the breech workshop with Breech Without Borders. I feel confident with breech births and learned a lot from the videos and hands-on workshop. Breech birth should not be a forgotten art in the birth world. I'm honored to have met Dr. Hayes and that he is teaching breech births around the world. I look forward to meeting Dr. Freeze.
This workshop should be a mandatory for everyone, starting from high school until the university. Regardless if people are having breech births or not, everyone should know the basics, because breech is a part of birth and it will never go away.

Vivienne Miranda Rodriguez
Rincón, Puerto Rico
I was honored to participate in this hands on training with Dr Hayes in the island of Puerto Rico. As a student of midwifery currently in my apprenticeship, I have witnessed two breech births, but they did not require assistance, now with the knowledge from this intensive, I feel empowered to support families and the midwife I assist when needed. In Puerto Rico, breech birth is automatically a cesarean in hospital so what a blessing to be able to refer to this art. The doctor was approachable, passionate, open and very helpful.

Catherine DeVeau LM, CPM
Heirus Midwifery / Redding, CA, USA
I absolutely recommend Breech Without Borders to all birth professionals: OBs, doulas, midwives, etc this course is incredibly thorough and well put together. You not only get well-researched materials taught to you but you also get state of the art tech with the Ivy mom and Sophie doll simulator to practice hands on maneuvers with.

Emily Donelan, MD
Northwestern / Chicago, IL, USA
I took Breech Pro online followed by a hands-on workshop with Dr. Hayes. The online course covers the history of breech birth, the current state of the evidence on breech birth, and in-depth demonstrations of the maneuvers that can be used when the birth is complicated. It also has an incredible amount of real birth videos to review, which reflect both normal and complicated deliveries.
The hands-on session gave me the opportunity to practice the maneuvers with Dr. Hayes, who is an incredible teacher with a vast amount of knowledge and experience with vaginal breech delivery. It was an honor to learn from him.
It is extremely important that we as OB/GYN's continue to practice these skills and train the future generation of physicians to support women who choose breech vaginal birth. I strongly recommend that all OB/GYN's take this course!

Sarah Kaufmann, MD
Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke / Germany
Thanks to a generous invitation from Rixa, I was able to try out the Breech Pro course. I'm working in a hospital in Germany with approximately 2,100 birth per year. We support women in vaginal breech birth. Especially for our residents, it's difficult to feel safe about vaginal breech birth due to the circumstances that only ~4% of the babies are in breech position at term. Therefore, it is quite important to find a way to learn about the physiology of breech additionally to the births we support during our shifts.
I absolutely fell in love with the course of Rixa and her team. It is an admirable assembly of knowledge around breech, with multiple examples for physiological breech birth and a perfect foundation for solving problems which may occur supporting breech birth.
As part of the DGGG (German OB/Gyn association), in 2022 I also took part in a Masterclass "peripartale Beckenendlage" (perinatal breech), which included hands-on training. I'm very thankful for all the knowledge I already owned thanks to Rixa's course and my practical experience. To keep this knowledge alive, we will implement a regular hands-on training in our clinic.
Thinks I liked the most about Breech Pro:
- On-demand so you can use it in your own tempo
- The Encyclopedia of Beech Maneuveurs for a fast repetition and a template for your own hands-on training
- Knowledge shared by persons deeply in love with breech birth

Cecilia Varona, MD
San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Its a very well-led course. Nice structure, whole-hearted teachers. In line With Woman. Exquisite breakdown and understanding of influential clinical articles up to date. The hands-on training is very intuitive, just as breech physiology is. Previous misconceptions from my previous teachings on breech birth are gone. Thank you so much!

Anjali Sardeshmukh
Amma Midwifery / Oakland, CA, USA
This workshop was incredibly. helpful in breaking down the terms, and research- in a thought provoking manner. I feel better equipped to counsel people on it. The hands on component was great as well- because it is how it would feel at a birth. Combining the two was deep-and I look forward to continuing my learning journey.

Emma Griffiths, RM
Wellington, New Zealand
Amazing workshop, totally demystified VBB and have given me confidence to discuss VBB with women and be a birth attended at breech births.

Diana, Midwife
Parto Natural Guatemala
This training has been life changing. I have fallen in love with breech birth and gained the confidence to assist them. We have always offered to assist breech birth but have have always done so with fear. We now feel equipped to deliver these babies fear free and with enough resources to intervene if necessary. I absolutely loved this course and recommend it to everyone!

Shieila Offord
Lafayette, LA
This workshop was everything I imagined and more. Dr. Hayes shared some awesome knowledge with us. I enjoyed his scenarios because he provided detailed reasoning for every method, which allowed us to determine what the safest route was for every simulation. This was an amazing experience!

Andrew Fluckiger, MD
Walla Walla Clinic / Walla Walla WA, USA
Thorough and informative. I hope to be able to use their trainings soon!

Adriana Yianacou, RM
Auckland, NZ
Absolutely mind blowing course. I have done the online course as 2 hands on courses and added Kristine's Breech and Twin course. So much information easy applied to practice in order to reduce the rate of unnecessary CS.

Claire Marks, Endorsed Midwife
Midwives in Darwin / Northern Territory, Australia
I thoroughly and profoundly recommend every birth attendant invest the money in developing their skill set to keep breech birth an available and safe option.
Rixa and David have created a wonderful online course, full of so much evidence, teachings on breech physiology and deviations from the normal. I felt the content was of very highly appropriate content, that explained the manoeuvres care providers will need to know to safely facilitate breech births.
Then pairing this with the in person-workshop...WOW!! what a day of skilling up! The hands-on training with such life-like simulation of mum and baby was so helpful in committing to muscle memory. Then manoeuvres we needed to learn and the amount of videos we could watch and learn from really cemented my learnings in vaginal upright breech birth. Thank you BWB!

Beatrix Exeter, RM
Bay Midwives / Hawke's Bay, NZ
It's been amazing to learn so many new skills to potentially safe a baby's life by learning new manoeuvres for my tool kit, but even more so learning when to keep my hands off and trust the process.
Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom.

Charlotte Shilo- Goudeau LM, CPM, EBB(r) Instructor, CBE, CD
Pick Your Own Birthing Experience / Maringouin, LA, USA
I would highly recommend Breech Without Borders to all birthing hospitals, OB-GYNs, midwives, nurses and/ or any other qualified maternal healthcare professional that is looking for an EVIDENCE BASED option to lowering their c-section rates, lowering their transport rates, decreasing maternal/infant mortality and morbidity rates, improving the quality of provider and client relationships, and becoming confident in how to safely and skillfully manage a physiological breech birth. This is a lifetime investment to improving the quality of birth, life and the "STATE OF OUR MATERNITY CARE SYSTEM."

Rebecca Cohen, MD
Full Circle Holistic / Louisville, KY, USA
In my medical training, I only learned breech "extraction." We were taught to be afraid, and I was worried that I might pull too hard or move the head in the wrong direction in my attempts to get the baby "unstuck."
This class taught me to not be afraid, but rather to be prepared. The thorough discussion of evidence and statistics demonstrated that breech vaginal delivery is a safe alternative to Cesarean section. I feel that, thanks to the instruction I received, I now have a deepened knowledge of the pelvic/fetal anatomical interactions. I now know both how and when to apply to proper techniques to successfully deliver a breech infant. I highly recommend this course to any birth professional who wants to move from fear to understanding.

Leisa Gittings, Endorsed Private Midwife
Geelong, Victoria, Australia
Fabulous workshop.
I now have a solid grounding of knowledge and skills to support women with physiological VBB.

Anonymous, CNM, WHNP
University Hospital, USA
I work as a CNM in a large hospital in the US. We are one of the few hospitals in my area that will do breech deliveries, but many barriers are placed to keep that number consistently low, and only some providers are allowed to do it. A large group of us signed up for this course, and our minds were blown.
This is the only course with such an in-depth, evidence-based approach. There's a very critical lens that helps you understand the history of breech deliveries in such an intersectional way. Videos are thorough and so clear. Breech mechanics and maneuvers are shown in so many creative ways and so many different angles. In-person sessions are outstanding.
I highly recommend this course to all providers assisting births. It's an invaluable resource.

Anonymous CNM
San Francisco, CA, USA
The hybrid course was an incredible resource. The whole thing was very thorough. I especially loved the in-person training and the handouts for quick reference. I'm extremely impressed with the program.

Anonymous CPM
Even though I am not allowed to knowingly attend breech births in my state, "babies sometimes do baby things" and it is valuable to be prepared! This course was phenomenal to take! The information is essential to all birth attendants because we never know when we might need these skills for breech, but it also made me think about all the times I resolved SD and why those mechanisms worked.

Anonymous LMC midwife, NZ
New Zealand
I liked the presentations, historical background and the speed of the speaker when presenting. I did value the simulation and graphic photos associating the presentations. The hands on part was focused, specific.
The scenarios were useful and the real time videos and experiences were great learning tools.

Anonymous midwife, NZ
Whangārei, Aotearoa (NZ)
This course is vital to any maternity carer's knowledge. It empowers mothers to have informed decisions and options when their carer is skilled and a critical thinker. The value that this course has given me is priceless and reaffirms why I wanted to be a midwife.

Rangimarie Smith, RM
Brisbane, Australia
Amazing and thorough course

Kate Chantry, CPM, LM
Back To Basics Midwifery / WI, USA
Wow, what a comprehensive course, I wish every course would be this comprehensive and leave me with as much knowledge and practical skills to add to my practice, but so glad if there is one it is on breech as it is so needed in this current culture of fear around it. Thank you so much BWB team for what you do!
Leslie Fehan, CNM, WHNP-BC, IBCLC
VCU Health System / VA, USA
I truly enjoyed the hands on training. Dr. Hayes was so engaging, and so kind in guiding folks on correct technique. He was knowledgeable and I appreciated the explanation of physiology and the anatomical influence on things. Thank you for normalizing vaginal breech births and providing the tools for providers.

Bonnie Baker, DEM
Breech Pro and the hands-on practice is invaluable. This training has not only given me the knowledge and skills but also confidence to lead breech births safely for families. BWB is changing the future of vaginal breech birth. The more providers that take this course, the safer birth can be for people everywhere. The research information contained in this program is the most detailed and comprehensive that I have come across for VBB education.

Nancy Draznin, CPM, LM
Motherwise Midwifery / ID, USA
This course is very thorough, very deeply grounded in research and experience and I highly recommend it. I would only ask for more time with the simulator. Class sizes are designed to cover the cost of the training, however perhaps there could be two simulators going simultaneously so that more people can have more time. I highly recommend this class for anyone who is delivering babies in any setting.

Fanni Maeposa
Stevens Point, WI, USA
Very thorough research and presentation with amazing videos, explanations and community support. The live sessions and the hands on training is a treat! Can't wait to attend the Master Class!

Yvonda Groff, student midwife (CPM)
The education and training offered by Breech Without Borders is thorough and concise. Maneuvers taught are practical and easy to remember. Support offered is fantastic. I now have a solid foundation to build on by experience, and my community will in turn have more widely available birth options. Huge thanks for all you do to train providers in physiological breech birth.

Sandy Glenn, LM, MBC
Carolina Waterbirth / SC, USA
I was please that this class offered so many tools and maneuvers to improve the outcomes and success of breech birth.

Jaci B, RN, CPLD, SM
Breech Pro was an excellent elaborate mix of teachings including history with presentations, power point presentations, various videos, and printable hand-outs. There is a way to educate all types of learners in the comfort of their own homes, and on their own time. The hands-on workshop just solidified the education, as if it were the icing on the cake. Having the ability to ask questions during the workshop was invaluable.

Heather Robinson, CPM
Birth Beautiful Detroit / MI, USA
This course was amazing! I feel so much more confident to attend a breech delivery now. The course normalizes breech and gives great tools to effectively use when certain dystocias are recognized. I highly recommended this course to ALL persons whose profession in any way involves birthing mothers.

Michelle Murdock student midwife
St. George, UT, USA
I had a wonderful time at the breech workshop in Las Vegas; it was 10 packed hours of goodness.
Leading up to the workshop I finished their extensive online course and I had tuned in to multiple live zoom calls with midwives around the globe. The international community they have created is incredible. I have learned so much and know I will continue to absorb as I join the zoom calls. I am so grateful for the community they have created and the awareness they have raised. The work Breech Without Borders does is amazing.
I wouldn't have learned the physiological process of UNDISTURBED, vaginal breech birth in the upright or supine position, if it weren't for breech pro and the hands-on practice. I wouldn't know what reassuring signs to look for at delivery & what the signs of deviation are that require some intervention, & what those interventions should be. Now I do.
I also wouldn't have known how commonly & low risk breech is treated in other countries. That part of Breech Pro online I found especially fascinating and useful when counseling clients in the future. I only wish the hands on part was longer. I would easily sign up for a two day training.

Emily McGregor, Student Midwife, Birth Assistant, Doula, LCCE, CLC
The Rosewater Doula / WA, USA
AMAZING! I am a student midwife for a busy practice, and while breech is not something that my practice currently takes, a surprise breech is always something to be aware of and prepared for! I never felt equipped to help assist in a situation like a surprise breech until taking this training. I hope as I become a midwife that breech is not only something that I feel prepared for, but something that I can feel confident about supporting. This training was by far the first step in that process! This training is a MUST for anyone attending births and I hope to take this training many, many more times!

Kenyetta Garth BS, MS, CLD
Beautiful Moments Doula Care / Charlotte, NC, USA
This hands on training combined with the online work was very beneficial. The discussion alone with Dr. Hayes alone was definitely refreshing and enlightening. It's alot of information to take in but puts you at ease, that breech births can definitely be done successfully. It's a course and training you wouldn't mind taking again and again.

Marcie Webb, CPM
Las Vegas, NV, USA
I thought the hands on part of the Workshop was wonderful! Dr Hayes is marvelous! He is so knowledgeable and--the best part--so willing to share his extensive knowledge to make breech birth effective and safe for the whole birthing community.
I will recommend this workshop to everyone!
Michelle, certified DONA doula, Midwifery Apprentice
I am very grateful that I decided to take the Breech Without Borders course. The information and research were thorough and presented in an organized way. The simulations and hands-on practice were helpful and have prepared me to assist mothers confidently who deliver their breech babies vaginally. And it was also enjoyable!

Ashley E. Davis
Dandelion Legacy Doula and Wellness Services / NC & PA, USA
This course was amazing. I learned so much and was able to network and connect with other like-minded individuals. Thank you for all that you do.

Lyudmila Scearce, CNM, WHNP
Reading Midwife Center / PA, USA
Great program: evidence-based, research from the past, hands-on, training videos.

Vanessa Cangialosi, LM, CPM, MBC
Myrtle Beach Midwifery / SC, USA
I took this course 3 years ago. I can not express the amount of advancement I am seeing even between the lectures, maneuvers, and recommendations for intervention that all have made this program more streamlined, practical and safe. I highly recommend every aspect of this program.
Christine Strothers, CPM, RN
PureBirth Midwifery / Charlotte, NC, USA
The Hybrid Training was an excellent combination of videos, reading materials, and hands-on training. We got the science, and then were able to learn and implement in training sessions. Will always take this course any time it's near me! It has given me the skills and confidence to attend vaginal breech births in the community and help my midwife collegues to better serve their clients

Natatia M. Peterson
Canton, OH, USA
Amazing course! Very valuable tool for a birth worker in the home birth world.

Gina Dacosta-Rivera, CPM
Puerto Rico
For years I've been studying and revewing the theory of breech. However, this beauty created by Breech Without Borders is just a jewel to my practice. In a country of 50+% C/S rate, this skill is a must to learn and master. The online part covers so much; it is so complete. The hand-on experience was the best part to put it all together! I recommend this course 200%. You will benefit tremendously from its resources and hands-on practice!

Kjerstin Covington, Student Midwife
Utah, USA
Information takes a long time to stick in my head sometimes. The hybrid workshop was very helpful, because it allowed me to have a lot of time to learn and review the information before going to the workshop. This allowed me to get more out of the workshop, because I was already familiar with the information.

Anonymous, CNM
Saint Paul, MN, USA
I am so thrilled to have taken this course. I only have been at two breech births before. The most memorable moment at the second was when the birthing person asked if they could change positions but I had no training in physiologic breech birth (only minimal training in supine breech from my midwifery program). That is when I promised myself I would do better and learn how to attend breech birth in upright positions.
I am SO happy with the hybrid breech course. Plenty of research and evidence to go along with the hands-on training. I just hope someday my hospital will be more accepting of providers attending physiologic breech.

Tiffany Stensvad, DNP, CNM
Billings Clinic - Clinic and Hospital / MT, USA
This course is absolutely amazing, actually reminds us all about hands off physiologic birth in any position. Which is absolutely worth so much in obstetrics where we are inundated with intervention, intervention that we know doesn't help our outcomes. Between this and the hands-on simulations, there is not better training that I've seen at this time.

Julie Gorenc CNM, CPM
Midwife Partners / Lenexa, KS, USA
Excellent course. Every provider should learn how to manage a breech delivery, and this course really teaches the techniques. I highly recommend taking this course and practicing for the planned and unexpected cases you may encounter.

Danielle Bergum, Midwife
MOV Birth / WV, USA
Hybrid workshop was wonderful. So much information available in the online course and it was really great to have a lot of time prior to the hands-on part to go through that at my own pace, practice on a doll and pelvis, and review. Having that knowledge prior to the hands-on part made the hands-on more effective. The Sophie & Her Mum simulator is amazing, as is Dr. Hayes wealth of knowledge. I am so thankful I was able to attend and highly recommend this to anyone, including students. Don't wait until you're proficient in cephalic birth, if you have the chance to attend, do it at any part of your training. The descriptions of physiologic breech birth were better than many of the physiologic cephalic descriptions I've seen and it will carry over into all births.

Joey Larson
Birthing Miracles Pregnancy Services / WI, USA
I signed up for Kansas City Workshop during Covid. It was amazing and lectures where so good...but to add the hands-on from this course was wonderful. It gave me a totally different idea on breech. It was crazy how much power it takes to disimpact a baby that is breech!! Such a wonderful and empowering hands-on workshop. I would take again and have already recommended it.

Toni Hill
Blooming Moon Midwifery Services / Nettleton, MS, USA
This training was amazing! I highly recommend it for any birth attendant both in home and out! Even though, I have had other breech trainings and attend breech births, this training helped prepare me for the next breech little one.

Jenifer Wood, CPM
Simply Midwifery / Colby, KS, USA
Breech Pro was a great opportunity to learn more about breech. I had previously taken Breech Without Borders, but I still learned more with Breech Pro. I'm so grateful something like this is offered because women and babies deserve to be given a fair chance when appropriate and when the midwife or provider feels skilled in breech.

Anonymous Midwife
Course work was thorough and I appreciated the repetition in the videos.
No substitute for hands-on training. The model was likely as realistic as I will find, short of a real human.
Thanks for your dedication to this important subject.

Christy Harrison, CNM
N'Djamena, Chad
Thank you for the excellent training you have put together. I feel much better equipped to handle breech births.

Karen Winstead, CNM
Rocky Mount, VA, USA
I really appreciated Dr. Hayes keeping it simple and straightforward at the live session. The hands on portion really gave me more confidence in the maneuvers. Lots of great information in the course that I didn't get in my original midwifery courses.

Khadijah Bansfield, student midwife
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
I am so pleased to have taken this training. The content was invaluable and very beneficial. The workshop was amazing! I hope to take another breech training with BWB in the future!
Thank you!

Kathleen, LM
This course was very beneficial to me. I feel prepared to assist with breech deliveries, should I ever be fortunate enough to be working in a setting where they take place, plus I now have an understanding of the basic mechanisms of breech birth, and the knowledge to help out should the need arise.

Brit Averill
Birth Center of Northern Michigan / USA
The hands on portion of this course is excellent. The course work is also very good. The only complaint I have is some extreme bias regarding existing research.

Nicole Imes, CPM LM
Community Midwifery Services / Norman, OK, USA
The Breech Pro Hybrid workshop was a very thorough and informative course. I appreciated how detailed the information on historical & current research on the safety of VBB was. The maneuvers were logically explained and well-taught. As a midwife with years of hands-on experience, the simulation models were an amazing way to practice and get a good feel for how the scenarios and techniques will play out in real life.

Barbara Gremaud, APRN, CNM, CPM
Sacred Garden Midwifery / MO, USA
Excellent content and training! I have been afraid of breech and never considered attending them as a homebirth midwife. With the right assistant and a well-informed client, I would consider attending a breech birth. The training has made me realize how important it is for providers to offer vaginal breech and that it isn't as dangerous as I previously thought when the provider knows what to do. Rixa's explanation of deferred risk and use of the image of a river when explaining it really sticks and explains the complexity of the decision-making when choosing between a c-section and vaginal birth for breech babies.

Kim Woodard Osterholzer, CPM, RM, LM
Birth at Home Midwifery Services / Colorado Springs, CO, USA
In 29 years of homebirth midwifery studies and practice, this course hands-down provides the best breech training available.

Angela Love, CNM
The online portion of this training gives so much thorough information. Birth techniques are explained by several practitioners in different ways. I enjoyed the research review to be able to share with clients and aid in their decision making. The hands on portion taught me new techniques and made me feel so much more confident attending breeches. This course is a must-have for all breech providers.

Rachel Kiene, LM, CPM
Birthstream Midwives / Sacramento, CA, USA
A very thorough and information packed training. Though we are not legally permitted to attend planned breech births in California, surprise breeches happen and we are so grateful to have more skills and knowledge to apply to these unexpected situations. Both Rixa and David are excellent instructors and the combination of the didactic course and hands on practice is invaluable.

Jennifer Konkol, CPM
Manager / St. Louis, MO, USA
I would highly recommend this course to any birth attendant practicing in any setting. I enjoyed the hybrid format. Having access to the online portion before and after the hands on portion is very helpful and the hands on simulations are invaluable.

Adrienne C Caldwell, Bodywork Educator
Minnesota, USA
The Breech Pro hybrid course was excellent. Rixa, Dr. Hayes, and Kristine have assembled a treasure trove of information, experience, and evidence based practices into an accessible format. Being able to do the lectures in my own time was really nice. The data heavy lectures should be approached as you will take more than one sitting to truly absorb all of the information. The videos of practicing the maneuvers were so helpful in learning and being able to practice at home on our own pelvises and dolls. This feature really set me up for success at the hands-on training with Kristine. Training on the simulator was amazing! And having someone with Kristine's extensive experience was invaluable! I HIGHLY recommend this training to all midwives, OB's, and birth attendants. Breech skills are essential to provide full spectrum care for the birthing people of the world.

Malika Johnson, Doula/Student Midwife
Bearing Heritage / Chicago, IL, USA
This training was absolutely PHENOMENAL!!! Dr. David took his time with explaining and allowed plenty of time for questions and hands-on training. I would recommend that every midwifery student have this knowledge in their arsenal. I'm obsessed now!

Molly Troumbly CPM LM
Heart to Heart Midwifery / Grand Rapids, MN, USA
What a great course. It should be required for all birth workers. The hands on skills was so helpful and fun! Kristine Lauria is just amazing. Thoroughly loved learning from her and David Hayes. They both have such a talent for what they do.

Yutta Engel, CM
Monsey, NY, USA
This workshop is a MUST for ALL birth providers, practicing in hospitals and in out of hospital settings. My prayer is that Drs. Hayes and Freeze continue their mission of teaching the maneuvers and updating the research, so that women and babies will benefit.

Jess Goldman, MSN, CNM
Park Slope Midwives, NYP Brooklyn Methodist / Brooklyn, NY, USA
This course is exactly what I've been missing--knowledgeable instructions and practical, hands on instruction!!

Nokomis Eden
Our Sacred Passages / KY, USA
I purchased the Hybrid Workshop (Breech Pro + Hands-On Training); the course was highly descriptive and informative in terms of what's physiologically normal, what the indicators of abnormal breech presentation are, what to do as the least-minimal intervention, and what not to do, as well as reviewing clinical aspects and past studies. The hands-on training with the realistic model was very helpful to practice the maneuvers. I highly recommend this course to every birth professional.

Kara, CNM
Minneapolis, MN, USA
This course was thorough in both the history of breech birth, the past and current research surrounding the safety of vaginal breech birth and gives extensive opportunities to learn the practical skills to support a breech vaginal birth. I appreciated the multiple providers (Dr. Freeze and Dr. Hayes) demonstrating techniques both in simulation and in the videos of live births. The simulations also demonstrated hands-on skills in a variety of settings with a variety of learners (some skilled and some new to breech birth) which helped reinforce the knowledge. Next step--get more medical schools/midwifery schools on board with adding this to their curriculum!

Jennifer Roberts, LM
West Palm Beach, FL, USA
Excellent course! Current studies, breech history with international studies and techniques are included in this course. The content is informative and allows providers credible information and research to share with parents and colleagues. The videos and hands on workshop with the simulators is a priceless experience. I highly recommend this course if you want to understand the mechanisms of normal breech and how to recognize and help when there is a deviation from normal. You will also learn how to safely extract if necessary.

Lucky Tomaszek, LM, CPM
Transitions Birth Services / Milwaukee, WI, USA
This course has fundamentally changed my understanding of and approach to physiologic breech birth. I highly recommend to anyone who is attend births as a provider, regardless of where they practice or whether they plan to attend vaginal breech births.

Denae Vigilante
Oil City, PA, USA
This course was amazing. It is full of valuable information that is explained in an easy to understand format. The hands-on portion reinforced the knowledge acquired in the online training. It also provided the ability to feel and problem solve scenarios in real time. This was the element that really connected it all for me. Thank you for all of your continued hard work in putting together this course.

Joy Frazer, CPM
Durango, CO, USA
I appreciate the knowledge and skills taught so clearly by Rixa and David. I have no doubt that these skills will save lives. If you are a maternity provider of any type, you just won't always know when a baby might present breech. It is always best to be prepared for all variations of normal and all complications. I had very little training in breech birth in school or in my career. This is a big gap that Breech Without Borders is filling. I feel WAY more confident to facilitate a vaginal breech delivery after this course. Thanks so much!

Rebecca Kirchberg, CPM candidate
Dodge County Doula / WI, USA
This Breech Without Borders hybrid workshop is invaluable for increasing knowledge and experience with breech births. I was blessed to work with Kristine CPM LM who imparted extra wisdom that comes with experience.

Andi Webb, CPM
Barefoot Birth / St. Louis, MO, USA
I was impressed with the amount of information in the Breech Pro workshop, and absolutely loved my in person session with Dr. Hayes. Every birth professional should attend this program.

Debra Lowrance, DNP, CNM
Labor of Love Midwifery / IL, USA
The videos and lectures are excellent. They are very extensive so plan accordingly but you will learn everything you need for breech deliveries! The hands on helps to drill down all the techniques into ones you can easily learn and become efficient at! It solidifies the teachings.

Jessica Henman, APRN, CNM, CPM
Primrose Midwifery / St Louis MO, USA
This course went above and beyond in so many ways. I feel the hybrid was actually more useful than a live weekend training, so I could rewatch segments and take the time needed to absorb the info. The in-person simulations with Dr Hayes were incredibly helpful, the model quality is outstanding and the support, encouragement and information were all fantastic.

Caitlin Hainley, ARNP-CNM
Des Moines Midwife Collective / IA, USA
We learned so much from the online training and even more from the hands-on portion. We left feeling ready and confident to provide this as an option to our clients with true, informed, consent. week later we were surprised with a breech at home. We used all of our learning to help the client stay at home and deliver her first baby (8lbs2oz) breech over an intact perineum. THANK YOU SO MUCH BREECH WITHOUT BORDERS!!!!

Sarah J Simmons, CNM
New Life Midwifery / Chicago, IL, USA
I will promote this course to my colleagues strongly! Women need their providers to have this information so they can have more choices and true informed consent.

Hannah Bahler, student midwife
I came to this training with next-to-nothing knowledge about breech birth besides the regular scare stories. I finished the course with the confidence that if I walked into a breech birth I would have the knowledge to assess and assist with calmness and skill

Diana Hopkins SMW CD
Chrysalis Birth Services / MO, USA
BWB is a phenomenal program that ought to be required for every birth attendant. We must bring back breech birth training!

Rachel Mans, SpBCPE, BAI CD
The NaturalBirth Site
This training was informative and enjoyable. Dr. Hayes and Dr. Freeze are thorough and knowledgeable. It is a blessing to anyone who attends births and for their patients/clients as well. I highly recommend it!

Mandee Palmer
Normal, IL, USA
I highly recommend this training for all birth workers. There is much importance in gaining a thorough understanding of breech birth mechanisms and manuevers. The hybrid training format was convenient and offers a wonderful resource to look back on. The hands on simulation practice is a priceless experience that leaves you confident in your newly attained skills.

Shauna Kenealey
Nurtured Roots Midwifery / OR, USA
Breech Without Borders' Hybrid Workshop is actually priceless! I have always believed in women's ability to birth their babies breech and am truly grateful to have found a well-researched, well-rounded training to boost my confidence in supporting women's choices. Very happy to be doing my part in reducing the number of unnecessary cesareans. Thank you!

Brandi Owens, CD
Serenity Birth / Gwynn Oak, MD, USA
This workshop was amazing so much I learned about breech birth. I never new much about it but thanks to Dr. Hayes I really feel educated.

Jennifer T., Traditional Midwife
Iowa, USA
The workshop offers such a rainbow array of research and tools. Spending time with Dr. Hayes putting it all into practice, and then having time to ask questions, really completes the training. I appreciated how the education evolves as evidence based practice data unfolds. I strive to make evidence based practice a pillar of my practice. This fits in perfectly.

Desiri Wightman, RD, midwifery student
Worth every penny! The theory, research, history, and physiology of vaginal breech birth as taught in this course adds a deep dimension of understanding the "why" behind the maneuvers taught and practiced. The simulations--both video and in-person--are invaluable to learning this critical skill.
The hybrid format allows you to not get brain fatigued by the sheer amount of information. You can go into the hands-on portion with deeper understanding when you can learn at your own pace with the online portion of the hybrid format. This is a fabulous way to learn. You won't be disappointed!

Lois Wilson
True Heart Birthing / PA, USA
This is a WONDERFUL course. It covers everything from history and research to normal breech birth and complications. It is beautifully organized and presented. Both Rixa and Dr. Hayes are SO knowledgeable and they are wonderful, engaging teachers. The hands-on workshop is absolutely essential and pulls everything together. Truly, one the of BEST (and most affordable) trainings I have ever experienced. Thank you!

Janis Gildin, CPM, LM
Woven Tribes Midwifery / NJ, USA
The hybrid training was an excellent combination of didactic learning and hands-on skills training. It positively impacted my ability to discern what is presenting in the variety of breech presentations, and to quickly analyze what maneuver will restore the mechanism that has been interrupted.
Both the on-line and the in-person trainings were infused with a quality of calm assessment, careful deliberation and attention to detail. The process of physiologic breech birth was clearly discussed and illustrated.
I came away from this training able to respect the process without fear, as I do with physiologic cephalic birth, and feel that my presence as a practitioner will be greatly enhanced by this added dimension.

Shari Camarata, APRN CNM
Tulip Midwifery / Houston TX, USA
After the online video training and the hands-on skills session, confidence in attending a breech birth has increased. Personally attended to make sure we can serve in the event a breech and help clients make informed shared decisions for their births. Thank you for the opportunity to further my education and skills.

Kassidy Grames, LM CPM
All About Babies / Argyle TX, USA
The Breech Without Borders hybrid workshop was a great way to get me started on my journey to aid moms and their families in their options surrounding VBB.

Brandy Ross, ND, LM
Moonrise Health and Birth / Seattle, WA
This course was so worth it. The amount of literature review, dispelling common breech myths, and the hands-on was the best breech training I've done (I've had a few). I learned new maneuvers that MAKE SENSE!

Julie Buelte, CNM
Dartmouth-Hitchcock / Manchester NH, USA
This was one of the best conferences I have ever attended. I learned so much more than I ever learned in midwifery school. I left the course feeling so much more confident about my ability to manage breech births. The hands on practice was fabulous.

Devin Bailey-Nicholas, Student Midwife, Doula
Community Birth Companion / Opelousas, LA, USA
As a Midwife Apprentice working towards my goal of CPM, having the knowledge and skill of breech birth as part of my tool box is a necessity. The online and hands-on instruction is very thorough. I really benefited from the virtual meetings that occurred where we could discuss topics in breech with both Dr. Rixa and Dr. David. I highly recommend this training to anyone working with pregnant women and their families.

Anonymous, CPM, LM
Portland, ME, USA
Within 8 hours after finishing this training, I attended an unexpected breech birth. I felt confident in recognizing signs of normalcy during the birth, as well as the deviations from normal and when intervention would be beneficial. I knew what interventions were likely to work, felt confident in using them, and they were successful!

Kira Kana
The Natural Birth House / Lafayette, LA USA
The hands-on workshop was incredible. There was a lot of time to practice, errors were given constructive criticism and practiced again until I felt confident in the instruction and I felt much more confident after the hands on workshop than I thought I would!

Mercedes Snyder, LM
Something Beautiful Midwifery Care
As a student midwife...I had dreamed of helping support the butt first babies. I have always figured these babies wanted to come out running first. I was provided very limited education on how to support these births, and told of all the dangers. However, was never fully informed of the options and the midwives I heard giving this type of support labeled as risky. It was amazing to hear about this program, as I was graduating and I was grateful to win a scholarship and lucky enough to attend an in-person workshop. This has expanded options I can give clients and feel more prepared and ready to do go. Can't wait to attend another in-person workshop! Thank you so much Breech Without Borders Family, from me and the families I will/have supported with a baby on a mission, right out the womb!

Wallene A. Stoddard, CNM
Meridian, ID, USA
I highly recommend this course for every provider-in or out of the hospital setting. When I was working in the hospital, I begged the doctors who were trained to give us some training in case we encountered an imminent breech birth. No luck!
I had a breech birth last fall that made me never want to try that again because I didn't know what was normal or what to do when it wasn't. Not sure how I found out about this course, but it is definitely a life-changer!
I have done two unplanned vaginal breech births in the last few months--the first after finishing Birth Pro, the second after completing the hands on training. What a difference! I felt confident that I knew what to do and I was able to reassure the family during this unexpected occurrence. Both had good outcomes. THANKS SO MUCH for giving me this opportunity to know and provide safe and effective care.

Erin Reynoso, LM CPM
Heritage Maternity Services / TX, USA
This is the clearest, most informative, best equipping course on breech vaginal delivery I have ever seen, by far. The presentation on studies and statistics at the beginning, with analysis of them really helped clarify why people are so scared of breech. It truly deals with the "provider dystocia" of our current United States landscape. I encourage everyone attending births to take this course!

Kate Burtonn, student midwife
The Breech Without Borders was a fantastic course!! I knew very little about breech before taking this course, and now I feel very confident assisting in a breech delivery and even doing the interventions myself if needed.

Christie Cole, Student midwife, doula
Fruit of the Womb / LA, CA, USA
Loved the course. The hands-on portion was the most valuable (in person) and also the scenarios / simulations with David at the end.

Yvonda Groff, student midwife (CPM)
This course was fantastic! In-depth and well organized information, amazing graphics, and plenty of video examples. Of all the various training courses I've taken for midwifery, this is the most outstanding. Should be required for every midwifery student.

Ariel Bernstein, LM, CPM
Saco River Midwifery / ME, USA
This was by far the best training and education I have ever received on breech birth! After taking the online course and the hands-on training, I really understood how little I had ever learned about breech birth, and how unprepared I had been for an unexpected breech birth or breech emergency. This course has absolutely helped to make me a safer, more prepared midwife.
I was really honored to be able to bring this training to my community and to know that the midwives in my area are all better trained to handle a breech birth and that we all now have the same skills and maneuvers in our tool kits so that we can better assist one another. I believe that every birth provider would greatly benefit from this training. These skills are invaluable.
Dr. Hayes was a wonderful teacher and shared so much wisdom with us. Being able to practice on such a life-like model was also something that was tremendously helpful in being able to understand the mechanics and maneuvers of breech births.
This has changed how I will teach students and how I will approach births from now on. It is my sincere hope that as breech is re-taught more families will be able to choose vaginal breech birth and more providers will invest in breech birth skills.

Maureen McIver
Westminster MD, USA
The hybrid Breech Pro Workshop was simply superb! The academic material is well presented and one has plenty of opportunity to review the materials. The twice monthly Q&A sessions with videos are invaluable. The hands-on workshop, where we could practice the skills using lifelike mannikins, was excellent. Our errors were corrected on the spot. Dr. Hayes and Rixa Freeze, PhD, make this important knowledge straight-forward for our mastery. Every birth worker should take this course!

Darcie Juarez ND
The Family Doc / Portland OR
I am so grateful to have found Breech Without Borders. Now I understand that the literature on vaginal breech delivery does not support the virtual moratorium on vaginal breech in the US. I now have a framework for what is normal in a breech delivery, and how to address issues as they arise. Thanks to this class, vaginal breech delivery is no longer a scary unknown.

Shannon Mitchell, CPM, LM
Exhale Birth Services / Carnation, WA, USA
When I attended the in-person workshop in 2019, I told so many people that it was the most informative workshop that I had ever attended. Yesterday's hybrid workshop equaled it.
I have been to so many trainings and often feel like it's a rehash of what we already know. This was not only relevant, it was responsive and it was hands-on in an accurate manner. As a provider, it was amazing. As a person who supports others, it gave me ways to explain things in a whole new light. Totally worth it.

Nicole Bendotoff, CPM/LDM
Portland, OR, USA
This workshop was incredibly informative and useful. The hands-on portion combined with all the video footage gave a comprehensive review of how to manage physiologic breech birth. It is a skill that is being lost in many areas, so it feels important to maintain this knowledge. I would highly recommend this course to any midwife or obstetrician! I am hopeful breech birth in the hospital setting will be offered at some point.

Kelly Traurig, Student Midwife
Acorn Community Birth & Wellness Center / CA, USA
After completing the course, I feel less intimidated by breech birth. I feel more equipped to recognize the signs of normal vs abnormal descent and rotation, and enjoyed being able to practice maneuvers with Dr. Hayes and Betty-Anne Daviss. I look forward to taking the course again in the future to refresh myself, and learn any updated techniques.

Katy Hobbs, LM, CPM
North Country Midwifery / MI, USA
This is one of the best classes I have taken in my life. It is thorough yet concise and is filled with practical skills that appear to be easily integrated into real life practice.

Jen Holland, CPM, LDM
Fig Midwifery / Oregon
I had taken another breech training before Breech Without Borders', so I expected this course to feel like a refresher. I realized from the pre-course assessment that I still had so much to learn about vaginal breech birth! This course covers the normal breech birth and encourages a hands off approach when everything is going as it should, and clearly teaches the signs that something isn't working and what exactlly to do about it.
Dr. Hayes says that one advantage to a breech birth over a cephalic is that the baby tells you exactly what is going on with their arms and head by the way their body descends and rotates; all the information you need is right in front of you.
The hands-on portion gives an opportunity to understand how much force may be required to do the maneuvers, and to build muscle memory. It is clear from the online and in-person portions that Drs Hayes and Freeze have a deep trust of the birth process. I will take the refresher over and over again. Thank you for this excellent resource!

Kim Woodard Osterholzer, CPM, RM, LM
Colorado Springs Midwifery Services
This was my second time through a Breech Without Borders course in the last year and you know what? I know I'll take the course again!
The Hybrid Course (Breech Pro + hands-on simulation training) is excellent. The fifteen hours of on-line instruction is incredible, as well as available to attendees for fully a year. I actually liked the on-line instruction better than I did the previous in-person instruction. I was able to pause, rewind, and replay the material to my heart's content!
Hannah and I took turns following along with the doll and pelvis demonstrations with our own doll and pelvis--pausing and replaying each section till we felt we had a handle on the maneuvers: how to perform them as well as when to perform them.
Our hands-on sessions with David Hayes were purely amazing! We practiced, we made blunders, we were corrected, we practiced, we improved, we practiced, we were further corrected, we practiced, we improved further, we practiced, we practiced, we practiced!
If you're a birthworker--a midwife or a doctor--you can scarcely afford to miss such an unequalled opportunity to master this art. For so many complicated reasons, hardly any of us are granted the chance to learn how to watch over the births of breech babies, let alone how to watch safely and well.
But the chance we'll make it through the courses of our careers without coming face-to-face with a little rump or set or two of tiny toes is unlikely.
We absolutely owe it to those we're called upon to serve to know what to do when we do one day see that rump or those tiny toes.
It's hard to describe how good it feels to know I'm prepared for such a day.

Erin Kershaw, BS, RN, DEM
Beautiful Beginnings Home Birth / Doylestown, PA
Breech Without Borders' hybrid breech workshop is by far the most in-depth, evidence-based course on vaginal breech birth that I've taken in years. The doctors provide wonderful education on normal breech birth and exactly what to do when a deviation occurs.
The didactic portion is amazing alone, but the hands-on experience with the doctors is an excellent way to use that knowledge and really get the maneuvers. Thank you Drs. Hayes and Freeze!

Marilee Pinkleton, CPM
Heartsong Midwifery / Delaware & Maryland, USA
Did you know frank breech presentation used to be considered the least favorable breech presentation? Did you know what is considered a footling breech is most likely a dropped foot from a complete or incomplete breech presentation? Me either!
I would highly recommend taking the Breech Pro course to learn about this and other information and techniques pertinent to breech birth.
Even if you do not attend breech birth you might, one day, have a surprise one! Having knowledge to help facilitate these little ones' births could be lifesaving.

Tiffany Miller CPM, RM
Preparing for Birth / Colorado Springs, CO
I have to hand it to Breech Without Borders and their ability to adapt to the pandemic climate in order to keep vaginal breech skills alive. I was impressed with the thorough, clear instruction in the online portion (which I viewed with my fellow midwives ahead of time), and with the in-person training.
I went from a very basic academic understanding of breech birth as a newer midwife to feeling a measure of realistic confidence that if I am surprised by a breech baby, I will have the skills and muscle memory necessary to help the baby be born as safely as possible, all thanks to Breech Without Borders' hybrid training.
The best part is that I feel confident in practicing the skills I've learned on a regular basis with my peers, even without Dr. Hayes, to continue to integrate the academic knowledge with my muscle memory. I am profoundly grateful for their willingness to travel and train us! Breech Without Borders' hybrid training is a gift.

Shari Long Romero, DNP, CNM
Peace, Love, & Shari / Greenwood Village, CO
Breech Without Borders offers complete didactic courses to inform the beginning student and the seasoned professional about the intricacies, history, related skills and tools, risks and benefits of vaginal breech birth. Being able to use tactile senses to cement these invaluable competencies while witnessing the same during critical case presentations from our peers rounded out an incredible interactive experience that is far beyond the ordinary continuing education program.
Whether a clinician plans to incorporate breech birth into their practice or not, this course will help guide you through the thought process, decision tree, informed consent with clients, and ultimately through an emergent situation or planned vaginal breech birth. I highly recommend Breech Without Borders.

Cheryl Edinbyrd, CPM
The Tree of Life Birth Counseling & Wellness / TX, USA
It was awesome. The hands-on after the online study helped make things come together. Hoping we could start having two trainings a year in Dallas, TX.

Heather Mena, CNM
This was a fantastic opportunity to dive into an unknown realm and now I feel much more knowledgeable about the topic of breech and feel more competent to manage myself in an emergent situation. This should be included in every midwifery education program.

Beth Oster, CPM, LM
This Moment Midwifery / MI, USA
This course can and will be literally life changing to the mothers and babies who have the privilege of having or finding a provider who has advanced their knowledge and skills to be able to support and provide breech options. This should be a required course for all birth professionals.

Christine Russell, CPM
Balanced Essential Living Midwifery / PA, USA
This course was so well done and extremely helpful in reinforcing the various techniques and maneuvers to be able to safely guide Breech birth. I feel so much more confident now in continuing to attend breech birth as a midwife.

Maya Horrocks, LM, CPM
Peninsula Midwives / WA, USA
What an incredible course this is. So much incredible information packed in here and very applicable to informed consent conversations as well as clinical practice. I absolutely dream of being able to confidently offer home breech births to those that are seeking this option. I may not be quite there yet but this course has really knocked down the door and pulled me through!

Tara Compehos, CPM
Hawai'i, USA
This course was fantastic. The evidence was presented thoroughly and fairly with the intention of enabling us to deliver true informed consent to our clients. My favorite part was the hands-on techniques and clinical decision-making. The use of clarity, repetition, and simplification communicated the skills well. I am much more confident in my breech skills having attended this course.

Jennifer Green, CPM
Colorado City, CO, USA
This training helped to assuage much of the fear I had surrounding vaginal breech birth. Rixa presented the data so clearly, and I really enjoyed the many birth videos included in the online portion. I love the work this organization is doing to empower providers to offer options to women carrying breech babies!

Linda Legault MSN, CNM, APRN
In Bloom Birth and Wellness / Melbourne, FL, USA
This class was excellent. The research helps to understand the why of the fear surrounding breech birth, the evidence and best practice. The videos and discussion are empowering and so useful to get a sense of the cardinal movements. The discussion and hands on is superb for enforcing the material and allowing for questions.
Dr. Hayes was great at the simulation and spent lots of time explaining. I feel so empowered and confident that if there were a complication during a VBB I could handle it. The follow up with the live trainings is awesome to reinforce the knowledge each month.
Thank you for all you do to help reteach the breech. It is so needed. I am inspired.

Director, Doula & Midwifery school
I was so impressed with every aspect of the course. The videos were wonderful and I learned a boatload before I ever attended.
I know in this Covid world we like to think everything can be done on zoom and with videos, but the hands-on portion of this course proved that theory incorrect.
The hands-on was vital for understanding the material, practicing it, and getting a real feel for what a breech really feels like. The Sophie and Her Mum model was amazing and it is on my "hope to figure out how to pay for someday" list--I teach a doula and midwifery school.

Oregon, USA
I found the background information and presentations on the research to be very clarifying in understanding how we got to where we are today with breech skills being lost. I found the information on breech presentations to be very clear and helped me to understand how it is very rare for a full term baby to be a footling presentation. I learned so much from the video simulation instruction and practice with the doll and pelvis. This combined with the in person simulation was invaluable. I wish this education was a part of every maternity care student and care providers education and continuing education,

Sharon Morgan LM, CPM, CNC
New Song New Life / MI, USA
This class was life-changing. The class not only taught what to do for a breech delivery, it taught how to reason through a breech delivery. After taking this class I do not feel like a robot simply doing what I am told--I GET IT. I understand what is happening and I can adapt to the needs of the situation. This class essential.

Samantha Mehaffey
Your Cherished Birth / Battle Creek, MI, USA
I absolutely LOVE BWB! I took the class originally at a lovely small farm in Kansas, and refreshed my skills in the hands-on only training here in Michigan. As always the instructor was kind, refreshing, and very informative, as well as humorous.
I have yet to have the opportunity to try these skills out, but I refresh my memory on them monthly and look forward to the opportunity to help a mom who wants a vaginal birth but has a breech baby. I feel confident (but not cocky) that when the time comes, the skills this organization has taught me will be extremely useful and easily pulled to memory.

Kendice Hartnell
NOVA Birth Services / TN, USA
Exceeded My Expectations
This was an incredible course. I did the hybrid training (online course with a hands-on workshop) and it was perfect for my busy schedule. I liked having access to the online course for a year so I could review and really lock down this skill. The trainers are very knowledgeable and excellent teachers. I highly recommend this course for all birth attendants.

Anonymous, student midwife
Houston, TX
This training was so educational. All birth workers should have this course in their tool kit. The instructors are beyond knowledgeable on the subject and the simulators are amazing to work with. I will definitely do a refresher once I officially become a midwife.

Debbie Conklin
Your Birth Matters Doula Services / USA
I really enjoyed this workshop. Actually being hands-on helped me so much. I am a tactile learner, and this was so helpful for me.

Andrea Hahn RN, CD(DONA)
Unionville, MI, USA
This class was excellent. It completely changed how I view the safety of breech birth. The hands on portion was very helpful.

Sondra Bolzman, CPM
Homespun Beginnings / MI, USA
The video sessions were very educational and informative. However, my favorite part was the hands on session. Dr. Hayes was so encouraging and supportive.

Krista ODea, student midwife
What an excellent course. Breech Pro is an extensive breech course that covers everything from current research findings to hands-on training. Be prepared to dedicate 20 or so hours to complete the online portion of the course.
Although it is a long course, it is so worth the time and effort! The information is detailed and explained at length. Videos accompany some of the lectures which really helps to piece everything together.
Lastly, the hands-on training is phenomenal! I love having the opportunity to practice what I learned from the lectures and videos.
A truly amazing course! I recommend it to all birth workers looking to advance their skills and gain knowledge in breech births.

Brandie Hawthorne, Student Midwife
I enjoyed the combination of hybrid and hands on training. Dr David was a phenomenal teacher. I would recommend this workshop to ALL birth professionals!

Dhyana Heller, CPM LM
Harmony Birthing / PA, USA
The amount of time put into every aspect of teaching is kind of overwhelming in the ability of the presenters understanding how to teach what is needed to know. The maneuvers and mechanics, clinical aspects of physiological vaginal breech birth, along with the repetition, was so helpful. The stress I felt to learn during the sessions dissipated as I moved along and I actually wouldn't mind taking the course again for a now more relaxed experience.

Natalie Wommack LM, CPM
Katy Birth Center / Katy, TX, USA
I happened to do the Madison Breech Conference and was offered to take the hands-on training during the Houston tour.
Both were great, good information and explanations. My understanding from my partners who did Breech Pro was that it was more succinct and focused toward online training, whereas the Madison Breech was a conference that was filmed and adapted for online. There were lots of opportunities for practice with online demonstrations (thank you Rixa!).
The hands-on portion was the best!! Practicing with the models is so important, such a different feel, giving a much more realistic idea of how the baby is positioned and moves with the maneuvers when needed. Dr Hayes was amazing in person! Thank you for Dr. Hayes and Rixa for the great job you are doing and for your availability to practitioners for questions and real life needs.
Thank you to everyone at Breech Without Borders for making this needed and practical education available to all who want it!

Rosalia Tisch
New Jersey and Life's Journey Doula Services / NJ, USA
A topic I have always been fascinated with is breech. I personally never understood why this position is feared in the US. I was shocked to learn that there are barely any providers/hospitals that will "allow" a breech presentation birth. I learned about Breech Without Borders and I KNEW I needed to take their course.
I co-hosted a training and am so glad we put the effort in to make the event happen. I have learned so much from this course! I am excited to be able to offer this to expecting parents in the future. I hope medical providers jump on born and normalize breech birth again!
The contents of Breech Without Borders' website, in-person workshops, online trainings and coursework, including all handouts, course materials, text, graphics, images, and other materials created by Breech Without Borders (the "Content") are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be taken as medical or healthcare advice, or to substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Nothing in the Content should be used to diagnose or treat individual health issues. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified, licensed health provider with any questions you may have regarding your personal medical needs. Never delay contact with a qualified healthcare professional, or disregard medical advice, because of something you have read or learned about in Breech Without Borders' website and coursework Content. Reliance on any information provided by Breech Without Borders and/or through the Content is solely at your own risk. If you think you may be having a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.