Breech-breech twins
I started Breech Pro and took the hands-on training last summer mostly so that I would be better prepared in the case of a surprise breech. Fast forward 7 months and my friends who are also clients and pregnant with mono-di twins, planning home birth, are entering the third trimester with breech babies. So with the "what if these babies don't turn?" thought in my mind, I buckled down to watch all the videos and complete the course and practice maneuvers almost every day so that I would be prepared for the just in case.
After trying all the things except ecv, for a week or so we had baby A in a vertex presentation at around 34 weeks, but then she moved back--they preferred sitting facing each other almost forehead to forehead. So the discussions were had about what their plans would be moving forward and they chose to continue their plan for homebirth--and I continued to review and practice.
On Friday we had a beautiful home birth of twin babies who were both born in complete breech presentation. Baby A shot out like a rocket. I saw toes pressing against the water bag, looked up to tell the person charting and looked down and the baby had been born! Baby B was also born pretty easily--came out all the way past the umbilicus and the posterior arm delivered quickly but needed just a bit of help with the anterior arm--a sweep to get that arm out and a shoulder press to flex the head and she was born.
Even though I didn't end up needing to do any rotational maneuvers, the peace of knowing I had tools to help if needed was priceless! And the shoulder press I learned through your workshop was exactly what we needed. Thank you so much! Please keep teaching people your skills, they are life altering!