2025 New Zealand Breech & Twin Training

We are thrilled to bring breech & twin training to New Zealand in April 2025! The training is approved for Midwifery Council CPD hours; participants may self-claim RANZCOG CMEs. Scholarships are available, with preference for Indigenous/First Nations/minority applicants. 

2025 Schedule

  • Palmerston North: breech training: March 26 with Dr. Hayes: bit.ly/pnbreech
  • Wellington: breech & BTI: March 28 or 29 (breech), March 31 & April 1 (BTI) with Dr. Hayes: bit.ly/wellington-breech
  • Hamilton: breech training: April 5 or 6 (breech) with Dr. Hayes: bit.ly/hamilton-breech
  • Whangārei: breech training: April 9 or 10 with Dr. Hayes: bit.ly/whangareibreech
  • Nelson: breech training & master class: April 12 (breech), April 13 (master class) with Kristine Lauria: bit.ly/nelsonbreech
  • Auckland: breech & BTI: April 12 or 13 (breech), April 15-17 (BTI) with Dr. Hayes: bit.ly/auckland2025
  • Christchurch: breech & master class: April 15 or 16 (breech), April 17 (master class) with Kristine Lauria: bit.ly/ccbreech
  • New Plymouth: breech & BTI: April 22 or 23 (breech), April 24-17 (BTI) with Dr. Hayes: bit.ly/npbreech
  • Dunedin: breech & master class: April 22 or 23 (breech), April 24 (master class) with Kristine Lauria: bit.ly/dunedinbreech
  • Hastings: breech & BTI: April 29 or 30 (breech), May 2-3 (BTI): bit.ly/hastingsbreech
  • Whakatane: breech training: May 6 with Dr. Hayes: bit.ly/whakatanebreech