Peer review & counseling

Need to debrief after a birth?
Want to talk about an upcoming birth?
We're here for you.

Kristine Lauria, CPM, Whitney Pinger, CNM, & Dr. Rixa Freeze, PhD can provide peer review/debriefing for your breech or twin births. (We also are happy to peer review head-down births!) You may choose the desired length of time and the attendees in the peer review group. If desired, we will provide you with documentation of the peer review. 

We are also happy to host an informational session if you are a parent or birth attendant and would like to talk about an upcoming birth.

Video/photo release form

for private and/or public educational use

If you have breech photos or videos you'd like to share with Breech Without Borders, please fill out this release form and send it back to us, along with your footage. You can choose whether your media can be shared privately or publicly. 

We're happy to have any breech videos--even if the lighting is bad or the camera is shaky. (Hint: if possible, put the camera on a tripod.) And thank you for being willing to share your births with us!


Keep me updated on breech!