Breech directory for providers
Want to be listed on the directory?
This is the place!

About the directory:
Breech Without Borders maintains an open-source public and private spreadsheets where midwives, doctors, traditional birth attendants, and allied professionals can voluntarily provide their contact information and location to people who wish to contact them regarding support related to breech pregnancy and/or birth. Members of the public seeking support around breech presentation in pregnancy and/or breech delivery are welcome to contact any individual who lists themselves on this spreadsheet to learn more about that individual's knowledge, experience, and services related to pregnancy, childbirth, and breech presentation.
BWB does not screen, vet, or review the qualifications or experience of any individual listed in this directory. BWB does not make any representations or guarantees as to the qualifications, licensure status, availability, training or experience of any individual listed in this Directory. Any person who chooses to engage with this Directory and contact one of the individuals listed on the directory takes full responsibility for ascertaining the qualifications and other relevant characteristics of that individual, and for any decision to continue contact with that individual. We also do not vet any aspect of the medical condition of any person who may reach out to a provider or other individual on the Directory, and makes no statement regarding the risk profile of the individual or their pregnancy. By clicking the Terms of Use, you agree that BWB is not responsible for any medical decisions made by any user of this Directory, the health or outcome of the pregnancy of any user of this Directory, or any consequence that you may experience as a result of the information presented to you in this Directory. You acknowledge and agree that no representation has been made by BWB regarding the experience, qualifications, or training of any person listed in the Directory, and you voluntarily release BWB from any liability associated with your pregnancy or your health.
By clicking the button(s) below, I agree to the Terms of Use for the directory maintained by Breech Without Borders.