Video analysis project

We are gathering breech birth videos for a research project, looking at the events that happen during expulsion (from rumping until the birth of the head).
We will be analyzing the following:
- the timing of vaginal breech births, specifically how long each body part takes (legs, arms, and head)
- cardinal movements of the breech baby as it navigates the maternal pelvis
- the use and timing of maneuvers
Need advice for how to film a birth video? Click here!
I would like to submit a video. What do I do?
Step #1: Background information
Give us some background information on this birth by filling out this brief survey (all responses are confidential). Please write "unknown" if you do not have all of the information.
Step #2: Send the video
Submit your video via wetransfer.com or transfernow.net (free file-sharing services) to info@breechwithoutborders.org. This will allow you to share large files without losing quality or resolution.
Another option is to upload your video to this Google Drive folder. Please name your file so that we can connect it with your data forms! (i.e., if you are Michelle, you could name the video "Michelle frank breech.mp4.")
Step #3: Permission form (optional but recommended)
By submitting the video, you agree that you have permission to share the video for private BWB analysis. If the parents would like their video shared for either private educational purposes or for public educational uses, please complete the form below. You can either download and complete the PDF below and email to info@breechwithoutborders.org, or you can submit the release form online.
Online permission form
I, ___________________________, grant permission to Breech Without Borders the rights of my image, in video or still, and of the likeness and sound of my voice as recorded on audio or video tape without payment or any other consideration. I understand that my image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published or distributed and waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein my likeness appears.
I will be consulted about the use of the photographs or video recording for any purpose other than those listed below: